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Rural poverty is becoming ever more visible

Foodbanks in England's market towns - third survey completed

Dr Gordon Morris, an Honorary Research Associate of the CRPR, has completed his third survey of the town clerks of England's country ('market') towns. Each of the surveys has tracked the - relentless - growth of foodbanks. As is well-known, numbers have grown rapidly throughout the United Kingdom in recent years. Although the reasons for this are many, in simple terms the growth has been caused by poverty. 

The evidence from the three surveys indicates that market towns, often located in well-to-do areas, have as much need for foodbanks as urban areas.

It has long been accepted as a truism that rural poverty is hidden by the relative wealth of most inhabitants, and deeply ingrained assumptions about the 'rural idyll'. It seems that today, however, rural poverty is becoming ever more visible; at least to those prepared to look. 

You can read Gordon's full report here:

Food for Thought - Foodbanks in England's Small Towns in 2019

Date: 7 November 2019